11.2 Minor release checklist

A “minor release” means an update of y in 2.x.y.


  1. Switch to the release branch, get changes, prep release announcement. This requires a clean index and work tree. If the checkout displays modified files, you might want to run git reset --hard before continuing.
    git fetch
    git checkout origin/release/unstable
    git merge origin
    vi Documentation/web/news-front.itexi Documentation/web/news.itexi
  2. Commit, push, switch back to master (or wherever else):
    git commit -m "Release: update news." Documentation/web/
    git push origin HEAD:release/unstable
    git checkout master
  3. If you do not have the previous release test-output tarball, download it and put it in regtests/
  4. Prepare GUB environment by running:
    ### my-gub.sh
    # special terminal, and default PATH environment.
    # import these special environment vars:
    env -i \
      HOME=$HOME \
      bash --rcfile my-bashrc
    ### my-bashrc
    export PS1="\[\e[1;33mGUB-ENV \w\]$ \[\e[0m\]"
    export PATH=$PATH
    export TERM=xterm
  5. Build release on GUB by running:
    make LILYPOND_BRANCH=release/unstable lilypond

    or something like:

    make LILYPOND_BRANCH=stable/2.12 lilypond
  6. Check the regtest comparison in ‘uploads/webtest/’ for any unintentional breakage. More info in Precompiled regression tests.
  7. If any work was done on GUB since the last release, upload binaries to a temporary location, ask for feedback, and wait a day or two in case there’s any major problems.

    Note: Always do this for a stable release.

Actual release

  1. If you’re not the right user on the webserver, remove the t from the rsync command in:

    graham owns v2.13; han-wen owns v2.12.

  2. Upload GUB by running:
    make lilypond-upload \
      LILYPOND_REPO_URL=git://git.sv.gnu.org/lilypond.git \

    or something like:

    make lilypond-upload \
      LILYPOND_REPO_URL=git://git.sv.gnu.org/lilypond.git \

Post release

  1. Switch back to master and get the updated news:
    git checkout origin/staging
    git merge origin/release/unstable
  2. Update ‘VERSION’ in lilypond git and upload changes:
    vi VERSION
    • VERSION = what you just did +0.0.1
    • DEVEL_VERSION = what you just did (i.e. is now online)
    • STABLE_VERSION = what’s online (probably no change here)
    git commit -m "Release: bump version." VERSION
    git push origin HEAD:staging
  3. (for now) do a make doc and manually upload:
    ### upload-lily-web-media.sh
    cd $BUILD_DIR
    rsync -a $PICS graham@lilypond.org:media/pictures
    rsync -a $EXAMPLES graham@lilypond.org:media/ly-examples
  4. Wait a few hours for the website to update.
  5. Email release notice to info-lilypond

LilyPond — Contributor’s Guide

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