3.1.124 TrillPitchGroup

TrillPitchGroup objects are created by: Pitched_trill_engraver.

Standard settings:

axes (list):


List of axis numbers. In the case of alignment grobs, this should contain only one number.

direction (direction):


If side-axis is 0 (or X), then this property determines whether the object is placed LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines whether the object is placed UP, CENTER or DOWN. Numerical values may also be used: UP=1, DOWN=-1, LEFT=-1, RIGHT=1, CENTER=0.

font-size (number):


The font size, compared to the ‘normal’ size. 0 is style-sheet’s normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger; 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. Fractional values are allowed.

padding (dimension, in staff space):


Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

side-axis (number):


If the value is X (or equivalently 0), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is Y or 1, it is placed vertically.

stencil (stencil):


The symbol to print.

stencils (list):


Multiple stencils, used as intermediate value.

X-offset (number):


The horizontal amount that this object is moved relative to its X-parent.

This object supports the following interface(s): axis-group-interface, font-interface, grob-interface, item-interface, note-head-interface, parentheses-interface and side-position-interface.

Internals Reference

inserted by FC2 system