A.7 List of colors

Normal colors

Usage syntax is detailed in Coloring objects.

black       white          red         green
blue        cyan           magenta     yellow
grey        darkred        darkgreen   darkblue
darkcyan    darkmagenta    darkyellow

X color names

X color names come several variants:

Any name that is spelled as a single word with capitalization (e.g. ‘LightSlateBlue’) can also be spelled as space separated words without capitalization (e.g. ‘light slate blue’).

The word ‘grey’ can always be spelled ‘gray’ (e.g. ‘DarkSlateGray’).

Some names can take a numerical suffix (e.g. ‘LightSalmon4’).

Color Names without a numerical suffix:

snow		GhostWhite	WhiteSmoke	gainsboro	FloralWhite
OldLace		linen		AntiqueWhite	PapayaWhip	BlanchedAlmond
bisque		PeachPuff	NavajoWhite	moccasin	cornsilk
ivory		LemonChiffon	seashell	honeydew	MintCream
azure		AliceBlue	lavender	LavenderBlush	MistyRose
white		black		DarkSlateGrey	DimGrey		SlateGrey
LightSlateGrey	grey		LightGrey	MidnightBlue	navy
NavyBlue	CornflowerBlue	DarkSlateBlue	SlateBlue	MediumSlateBlue
LightSlateBlue	MediumBlue	RoyalBlue	blue		DodgerBlue
DeepSkyBlue	SkyBlue		LightSkyBlue	SteelBlue	LightSteelBlue
LightBlue	PowderBlue	PaleTurquoise	DarkTurquoise	MediumTurquoise
turquoise	cyan		LightCyan	CadetBlue	MediumAquamarine
aquamarine	DarkGreen	DarkOliveGreen	DarkSeaGreen	SeaGreen
MediumSeaGreen	LightSeaGreen	PaleGreen	SpringGreen	LawnGreen
green		chartreuse	MediumSpringGreen	GreenYellow	LimeGreen
YellowGreen	ForestGreen	OliveDrab	DarkKhaki	khaki
PaleGoldenrod	LightGoldenrodYellow	LightYellow	yellow	gold
LightGoldenrod	goldenrod	DarkGoldenrod	RosyBrown	IndianRed
SaddleBrown	sienna		peru		burlywood	beige
wheat		SandyBrown	tan		chocolate	firebrick
brown		DarkSalmon	salmon		LightSalmon	orange
DarkOrange	coral		LightCoral	tomato		OrangeRed
red		HotPink		DeepPink	pink		LightPink
PaleVioletRed	maroon		MediumVioletRed	VioletRed	magenta
violet		plum		orchid		MediumOrchid	DarkOrchid
DarkViolet	BlueViolet	purple		MediumPurple	thistle
DarkGrey	DarkBlue	DarkCyan	DarkMagenta	DarkRed

Color names with a numerical suffix

In the following names the suffix N can be a number in the range 1-4:

snowN		seashellN	AntiqueWhiteN	bisqueN		PeachPuffN
NavajoWhiteN	LemonChiffonN	cornsilkN	ivoryN		honeydewN
LavenderBlushN	MistyRoseN	azureN		SlateBlueN	RoyalBlueN
blueN		DodgerBlueN	SteelBlueN	DeepSkyBlueN	SkyBlueN
LightSkyBlueN	LightSteelBlueN	LightBlueN	LightCyanN	PaleTurquoiseN
CadetBlueN	turquoiseN	cyanN		aquamarineN	DarkSeaGreenN
SeaGreenN	PaleGreenN	SpringGreenN	greenN		chartreuseN
OliveDrabN	DarkOliveGreenN	khakiN		LightGoldenrodN	LightYellowN
yellowN		goldN		goldenrodN	DarkGoldenrodN	RosyBrownN
IndianRedN	siennaN		burlywoodN	wheatN		tanN
chocolateN	firebrickN	brownN		salmonN		LightSalmonN
orangeN		DarkOrangeN	coralN		tomatoN		OrangeRedN
redN		DeepPinkN	HotPinkN	pinkN		LightPinkN
PaleVioletRedN	maroonN		VioletRedN	magentaN	orchidN
plumN		MediumOrchidN	DarkOrchidN	purpleN		MediumPurpleN

Grey Scale

A grey scale can be obtained using:


Where N is in the range 0-100.

Other languages: English, deutsch, español, français, 日本語.
About automatic language selection.

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