C. LilyPond grammar

This appendix contains a description of the LilyPond grammar, as output from the parser.


    1 lilypond: /* empty */
    2         | lilypond toplevel_expression
    3         | lilypond assignment
    4         | lilypond error
    5         | lilypond "\invalid"

    6 toplevel_expression: lilypond_header
    7                    | book_block
    8                    | bookpart_block
    9                    | score_block
   10                    | composite_music
   11                    | full_markup
   12                    | full_markup_list
   13                    | output_def

   14 embedded_scm: SCM_TOKEN
   15             | SCM_IDENTIFIER

   16 lilypond_header_body: /* empty */
   17                     | lilypond_header_body assignment

   18 lilypond_header: "\header" '{' lilypond_header_body '}'

   19 assignment_id: STRING
   20              | LYRICS_STRING

   21 assignment: assignment_id '=' identifier_init
   22           | assignment_id property_path '=' identifier_init
   23           | embedded_scm

   24 identifier_init: score_block
   25                | book_block
   26                | bookpart_block
   27                | output_def
   28                | context_def_spec_block
   29                | music
   30                | post_event
   31                | number_expression
   32                | string
   33                | embedded_scm
   34                | full_markup
   35                | DIGIT
   36                | context_modification

   37 context_def_spec_block: "\context" '{' context_def_spec_body '}'

   38 context_def_spec_body: /* empty */
   39                      | CONTEXT_DEF_IDENTIFIER
   40                      | context_def_spec_body 
   41                      | context_def_spec_body context_mod
   42                      | context_def_spec_body context_modification

   43 book_block: "\book" '{' book_body '}'

   44 book_body: /* empty */
   45          | BOOK_IDENTIFIER
   46          | book_body paper_block
   47          | book_body bookpart_block
   48          | book_body score_block
   49          | book_body composite_music
   50          | book_body full_markup
   51          | book_body full_markup_list
   52          | book_body lilypond_header
   53          | book_body error

   54 bookpart_block: "\bookpart" '{' bookpart_body '}'

   55 bookpart_body: /* empty */
   56              | BOOK_IDENTIFIER
   57              | bookpart_body paper_block
   58              | bookpart_body score_block
   59              | bookpart_body composite_music
   60              | bookpart_body full_markup
   61              | bookpart_body full_markup_list
   62              | bookpart_body lilypond_header
   63              | bookpart_body error

   64 score_block: "\score" '{' score_body '}'

   65 score_body: music
   66           | SCORE_IDENTIFIER
   67           | score_body lilypond_header
   68           | score_body output_def
   69           | score_body error

   70 paper_block: output_def

   71 output_def: output_def_body '}'

   72 output_def_head: "\paper"
   73                | "\midi"
   74                | "\layout"

   75 output_def_head_with_mode_switch: output_def_head

   76 output_def_body: output_def_head_with_mode_switch '{'
   77                | output_def_head_with_mode_switch 
   78                | output_def_body assignment
   79                | output_def_body context_def_spec_block
   80                | output_def_body error

   81 tempo_event: "\tempo" steno_duration '=' tempo_range
   82            | "\tempo" string steno_duration '=' tempo_range
   83            | "\tempo" full_markup steno_duration '=' tempo_range
   84            | "\tempo" string
   85            | "\tempo" full_markup

   86 music_list: /* empty */
   87           | music_list music
   88           | music_list embedded_scm
   89           | music_list error

   90 music: simple_music
   91      | composite_music

   92 alternative_music: /* empty */
   93                  | "\alternative" '{' music_list '}'

   94 repeated_music: "\repeat" 

   95 sequential_music: "\sequential" '{' music_list '}'
   96                 | '{' music_list '}'

   97 simultaneous_music: "\simultaneous" '{' music_list '}'
   98                   | "<<" music_list ">>"

   99 simple_music: event_chord
  100             | MUSIC_IDENTIFIER
  101             | music_property_def
  102             | context_change

  104 context_modification: "\with" $ '{' context_mod_list '}'
  105                     | "\with" CONTEXT_MOD_IDENTIFIER
  106                     | CONTEXT_MOD_IDENTIFIER

  107 optional_context_mod: /* empty */
  108                     | context_modification

  109 context_mod_list: /* empty */
  110                 | context_mod_list context_mod
  111                 | context_mod_list CONTEXT_MOD_IDENTIFIER

  112 composite_music: prefix_composite_music
  113                | grouped_music_list

  114 grouped_music_list: simultaneous_music
  115                   | sequential_music

  116 function_scm_argument: embedded_scm
  117                      | simple_string

  118 function_arglist_music_last: EXPECT_MUSIC function_arglist music

  119 function_arglist_nonmusic_last: EXPECT_MARKUP 
  120                               | EXPECT_MARKUP 
  121                               | EXPECT_SCM 

  122 function_arglist_nonmusic: EXPECT_NO_MORE_ARGS
  123                          | EXPECT_MARKUP 
  124                          | EXPECT_MARKUP 
  125                          | EXPECT_SCM 

  126 function_arglist: EXPECT_NO_MORE_ARGS
  127                 | function_arglist_music_last
  128                 | function_arglist_nonmusic_last

  129 generic_prefix_music_scm: MUSIC_FUNCTION function_arglist

  130 optional_id: /* empty */
  131            | '=' simple_string

  132 prefix_composite_music: generic_prefix_music_scm
  133                       | "\context" 
  134                       | "\new" 
  135                       | "\times" fraction music
  136                       | repeated_music
  137                       | "\transpose" 
  138                       | mode_changing_head grouped_music_list
  139                       | mode_changing_head_with_context 
  140                       | relative_music
  141                       | re_rhythmed_music

  142 mode_changing_head: "\notemode"
  143                   | "\drummode"
  144                   | "\figuremode"
  145                   | "\chordmode"
  146                   | "\lyricmode"

  147 mode_changing_head_with_context: "\drums"
  148                                | "\figures"
  149                                | "\chords"
  150                                | "\lyrics"

  151 relative_music: "\relative" absolute_pitch music
  152               | "\relative" composite_music

  154 new_lyrics: "\addlyrics" $ grouped_music_list

  156 new_lyrics: "\addlyrics" $ MUSIC_IDENTIFIER

  158 new_lyrics: new_lyrics "\addlyrics" $ grouped_music_list

  160 new_lyrics: new_lyrics "\addlyrics" $ MUSIC_IDENTIFIER

  161 re_rhythmed_music: grouped_music_list new_lyrics
  162                  | MUSIC_IDENTIFIER new_lyrics

  164 re_rhythmed_music: "\lyricsto" simple_string $ music

  165 context_change: "\change" STRING '=' STRING

  166 property_path_revved: embedded_scm
  167                     | property_path_revved embedded_scm

  168 property_path: property_path_revved

  169 property_operation: STRING '=' scalar
  170                   | "\unset" simple_string
  171                   | "\override" simple_string property_path '=' scalar
  172                   | "\revert" simple_string embedded_scm

  173 context_def_mod: "\consists"
  174                | "\remove"
  175                | "\accepts"
  176                | "\defaultchild"
  177                | "\denies"
  178                | "\alias"
  179                | "\type"
  180                | "\description"
  181                | "\name"

  182 context_mod: property_operation
  183            | context_def_mod STRING
  184            | context_def_mod embedded_scm

  185 context_prop_spec: simple_string
  186                  | simple_string '.' simple_string

  187 simple_music_property_def: "\override" 
  188                          | "\revert" context_prop_spec embedded_scm
  189                          | "\set" context_prop_spec '=' scalar
  190                          | "\unset" context_prop_spec

  191 music_property_def: simple_music_property_def
  192                   | "\once" simple_music_property_def

  193 string: STRING
  195       | string '+' string

  196 simple_string: STRING
  197              | LYRICS_STRING
  198              | STRING_IDENTIFIER

  199 scalar: string
  200       | LYRICS_STRING
  201       | bare_number
  202       | embedded_scm
  203       | full_markup
  204       | DIGIT

  205 event_chord: simple_chord_elements post_events
  206            | CHORD_REPETITION optional_notemode_duration post_events
  207            | MULTI_MEASURE_REST optional_notemode_duration post_events
  208            | command_element
  209            | note_chord_element

  210 note_chord_element: chord_body optional_notemode_duration post_events

  211 chord_body: "<" chord_body_elements ">"

  212 chord_body_elements: /* empty */
  213                    | chord_body_elements chord_body_element

  214 chord_body_element: pitch 
  215                   | DRUM_PITCH post_events
  216                   | music_function_chord_body

  217 music_function_identifier_musicless_prefix: MUSIC_FUNCTION

  218 music_function_chord_body: music_function_identifier_musicless_prefix 
  219                          | music_function_identifier_musicless_prefix 

  220 music_function_event: music_function_identifier_musicless_prefix 
  221                     | music_function_identifier_musicless_prefix 

  222 command_element: command_event
  223                | "\skip" duration_length
  224                | "\["
  225                | "\]"
  226                | "\"
  227                | '|'
  228                | "\partial" duration_length
  229                | "\time" fraction
  230                | "\mark" scalar

  231 command_event: "\~"
  232              | "\mark" "\default"
  233              | tempo_event
  234              | "\key" "\default"
  235              | "\key" NOTENAME_PITCH SCM_IDENTIFIER

  236 post_events: /* empty */
  237            | post_events post_event

  238 post_event: direction_less_event
  239           | script_dir music_function_event
  240           | "--"
  241           | "__"
  242           | script_dir direction_reqd_event
  243           | script_dir direction_less_event
  244           | string_number_event

  245 string_number_event: E_UNSIGNED

  246 direction_less_char: '['
  247                    | ']'
  248                    | '~'
  249                    | '('
  250                    | ')'
  251                    | "\!"
  252                    | "\("
  253                    | "\)"
  254                    | "\>"
  255                    | "\<"

  256 direction_less_event: direction_less_char
  257                     | EVENT_IDENTIFIER
  258                     | tremolo_type

  259 direction_reqd_event: gen_text_def
  260                     | script_abbreviation

  261 octave_check: /* empty */
  262             | '='
  263             | '=' sub_quotes
  264             | '=' sup_quotes

  265 sup_quotes: '\''
  266           | sup_quotes '\''

  267 sub_quotes: ','
  268           | sub_quotes ','

  269 steno_pitch: NOTENAME_PITCH
  270            | NOTENAME_PITCH sup_quotes
  271            | NOTENAME_PITCH sub_quotes

  272 steno_tonic_pitch: TONICNAME_PITCH
  273                  | TONICNAME_PITCH sup_quotes
  274                  | TONICNAME_PITCH sub_quotes

  275 pitch: steno_pitch

  276 pitch_also_in_chords: pitch
  277                     | steno_tonic_pitch

  278 gen_text_def: full_markup
  279             | string
  280             | DIGIT

  281 script_abbreviation: '^'
  282                    | '+'
  283                    | '-'
  284                    | '|'
  285                    | ">"
  286                    | '.'
  287                    | '_'

  288 script_dir: '_'
  289           | '^'
  290           | '-'

  291 absolute_pitch: steno_pitch

  292 duration_length: multiplied_duration

  293 optional_notemode_duration: /* empty */
  294                           | multiplied_duration

  295 steno_duration: bare_unsigned dots
  296               | DURATION_IDENTIFIER dots

  297 multiplied_duration: steno_duration
  298                    | multiplied_duration '*' bare_unsigned
  299                    | multiplied_duration '*' FRACTION

  300 fraction: FRACTION
  301         | UNSIGNED '/' UNSIGNED

  302 dots: /* empty */
  303     | dots '.'

  304 tremolo_type: ':'
  305             | ':' bare_unsigned

  306 bass_number: DIGIT
  307            | UNSIGNED
  308            | STRING
  309            | full_markup

  310 figured_bass_alteration: '-'
  311                        | '+'
  312                        | '!'

  313 bass_figure: "_"
  314            | bass_number
  315            | bass_figure ']'
  316            | bass_figure figured_bass_alteration
  317            | bass_figure figured_bass_modification

  318 figured_bass_modification: "\+"
  319                          | "\!"
  320                          | '/'
  321                          | "\"

  322 br_bass_figure: bass_figure
  323               | '[' bass_figure

  324 figure_list: /* empty */
  325            | figure_list br_bass_figure

  326 figure_spec: FIGURE_OPEN figure_list FIGURE_CLOSE

  327 optional_rest: /* empty */
  328              | "\rest"

  329 simple_element: pitch 
  330               | DRUM_PITCH optional_notemode_duration
  331               | RESTNAME optional_notemode_duration
  332               | lyric_element optional_notemode_duration

  333 simple_chord_elements: simple_element
  334                      | new_chord
  335                      | figure_spec optional_notemode_duration

  336 lyric_element: lyric_markup
  337              | LYRICS_STRING

  338 new_chord: steno_tonic_pitch optional_notemode_duration
  339          | steno_tonic_pitch 

  340 chord_items: /* empty */
  341            | chord_items chord_item

  342 chord_separator: ":"
  343                | "^"
  344                | "/" steno_tonic_pitch
  345                | "/+" steno_tonic_pitch

  346 chord_item: chord_separator
  347           | step_numbers
  348           | CHORD_MODIFIER

  349 step_numbers: step_number
  350             | step_numbers '.' step_number

  351 step_number: bare_unsigned
  352            | bare_unsigned '+'
  353            | bare_unsigned "-"

  354 tempo_range: bare_unsigned
  355            | bare_unsigned '~' bare_unsigned

  356 number_expression: number_expression '+' number_term
  357                  | number_expression '-' number_term
  358                  | number_term

  359 number_term: number_factor
  360            | number_factor '*' number_factor
  361            | number_factor '/' number_factor

  362 number_factor: '-' number_factor
  363              | bare_number

  364 bare_number: UNSIGNED
  365            | REAL
  366            | NUMBER_IDENTIFIER
  367            | REAL NUMBER_IDENTIFIER

  369 bare_unsigned: UNSIGNED
  370              | DIGIT

  371 unsigned_number: bare_unsigned
  372                | NUMBER_IDENTIFIER

  373 exclamations: /* empty */
  374             | exclamations '!'

  375 questions: /* empty */
  376          | questions '?'

  377 lyric_markup: LYRIC_MARKUP_IDENTIFIER

  379 lyric_markup: LYRIC_MARKUP $ markup_top

  381 full_markup_list: "\markuplines" $ markup_list

  382 full_markup: MARKUP_IDENTIFIER

  384 full_markup: "\markup" $ markup_top

  385 markup_top: markup_list
  386           | markup_head_1_list simple_markup
  387           | simple_markup

  388 markup_list: markup_composed_list
  389            | markup_braced_list
  390            | markup_command_list

  391 markup_composed_list: markup_head_1_list markup_braced_list

  392 markup_braced_list: '{' markup_braced_list_body '}'

  393 markup_braced_list_body: /* empty */
  394                        | markup_braced_list_body markup
  395                        | markup_braced_list_body markup_list

  396 markup_command_list: MARKUP_LIST_FUNCTION markup_command_list_arguments

  397 markup_command_basic_arguments: EXPECT_MARKUP_LIST 
  398                               | EXPECT_SCM 
  399                               | EXPECT_NO_MORE_ARGS

  400 markup_command_list_arguments: markup_command_basic_arguments
  401                              | EXPECT_MARKUP 

  402 markup_head_1_item: MARKUP_FUNCTION 

  403 markup_head_1_list: markup_head_1_item
  404                   | markup_head_1_list markup_head_1_item

  405 simple_markup: STRING
  406              | MARKUP_IDENTIFIER
  407              | LYRIC_MARKUP_IDENTIFIER
  408              | STRING_IDENTIFIER

  410 simple_markup: "\score" $0 '{' score_body '}'
  411              | MARKUP_FUNCTION markup_command_basic_arguments

  412 markup: markup_head_1_list simple_markup
  413       | simple_markup

Terminals, with rules where they appear

"-" (319) 353
"--" (340) 240
"/" (320) 344
"/+" (316) 345
":" (318) 342
"<" (321) 211
"<<" (323) 98
">" (322) 211 285
">>" (324) 98
"\!" (329) 251 319
"\" (325) 226 321
"\(" (331) 252
"\)" (328) 253
"\+" (334) 318
"\<" (333) 255
"\>" (326) 254
"\[" (330) 224
"\]" (332) 225
"\accepts" (261) 175
"\addlyrics" (259) 154 156 158 160
"\alias" (262) 178
"\alternative" (263) 93
"\book" (264) 43
"\bookpart" (265) 54
"\C[haracter]" (327)
"\change" (266) 165
"\chordmode" (267) 145
"\chords" (268) 149
"\consists" (269) 173
"\context" (270) 37 133
"\default" (271) 232 234
"\defaultchild" (272) 176
"\denies" (273) 177
"\description" (274) 180
"\drummode" (275) 143
"\drums" (276) 147
"\figuremode" (277) 144
"\figures" (278) 148
"\grobdescriptions" (279) 40
"\header" (280) 18
"\invalid" (281) 5
"\key" (282) 234 235
"\layout" (283) 74
"\lyricmode" (284) 146
"\lyrics" (285) 150
"\lyricsto" (286) 164
"\mark" (287) 230 232
"\markup" (288) 384
"\markuplines" (289) 381
"\midi" (290) 73
"\name" (291) 181
"\new" (315) 134
"\notemode" (292) 142
"\octave" (293)
"\once" (294) 192
"\override" (295) 171 187
"\paper" (296) 72
"\partial" (297) 228
"\relative" (298) 151 152
"\remove" (299) 174
"\repeat" (300) 94
"\rest" (301) 328
"\revert" (302) 172 188
"\score" (303) 64 410
"\sequential" (304) 95
"\set" (305) 189
"\simultaneous" (306) 97
"\skip" (307) 223
"\tempo" (308) 81 82 83 84 85
"\time" (314) 229
"\times" (309) 135
"\transpose" (310) 137
"\type" (311) 179
"\unset" (312) 170 190
"\with" (313) 104 105
"\~" (335) 231
"^" (317) 343
"_" (339) 313
"__" (336) 241
$end (0) 0
'!' (33) 312 374
'(' (40) 249
')' (41) 250
'*' (42) 298 299 360
'+' (43) 195 282 311 352 356
',' (44) 267 268
'-' (45) 283 290 310 357 362
'.' (46) 186 286 303 350
'/' (47) 301 320 361
':' (58) 304 305
'=' (61) 21 22 81 82 83 131 165 169 171 187 189 262 263 264
'?' (63) 376
'[' (91) 246 323
'\'' (39) 265 266
']' (93) 247 315
'^' (94) 281 289
'_' (95) 287 288
'{' (123) 18 37 43 54 64 76 77 93 95 96 97 104 392 410
'|' (124) 227 284
'}' (125) 18 37 43 54 64 71 93 95 96 97 104 392 410
'~' (126) 248 355
CONTEXT_MOD_IDENTIFIER (357) 105 106 111
DIGIT (344) 35 204 280 306 370
DRUM_PITCH (358) 215 330
E_UNSIGNED (345) 245
error (256) 4 53 63 69 80 89
EXPECT_MARKUP (347) 119 120 123 124 401 402
EXPECT_MUSIC (348) 118 218 220
EXPECT_NO_MORE_ARGS (351) 122 126 399
EXPECT_SCM (349) 121 125 398
FIGURE_CLOSE (337) 326
FIGURE_OPEN (338) 326
FRACTION (361) 299 300
LYRIC_MARKUP (342) 379
LYRICS_STRING (362) 20 197 200 337
MARKUP_FUNCTION (364) 402 411
MUSIC_FUNCTION (367) 129 217
MUSIC_IDENTIFIER (368) 100 156 160 162
NOTENAME_PITCH (369) 235 269 270 271
NUMBER_IDENTIFIER (370) 366 367 368 372
PREC_BOT (260)
PREC_TOP (258)
REAL (372) 365 367
RESTNAME (373) 331
SCM_IDENTIFIER (374) 15 235
SCM_TOKEN (375) 14
STRING (377) 19 165 169 183 193 196 308 405
STRING_IDENTIFIER (378) 194 198 408
TONICNAME_PITCH (379) 272 273 274
UNSIGNED (346) 301 307 364 368 369

Nonterminals, with rules where they appear

$@1 (178)
    on left: 103, on right: 104
$@10 (290)
    on left: 409, on right: 410
$@2 (195)
    on left: 153, on right: 154
$@3 (196)
    on left: 155, on right: 156
$@4 (197)
    on left: 157, on right: 158
$@5 (198)
    on left: 159, on right: 160
$@6 (200)
    on left: 163, on right: 164
$@7 (274)
    on left: 378, on right: 379
$@8 (276)
    on left: 380, on right: 381
$@9 (278)
    on left: 383, on right: 384
absolute_pitch (239)
    on left: 291, on right: 151
alternative_music (172)
    on left: 92 93, on right: 94
assignment (154)
    on left: 21 22 23, on right: 3 17 78
assignment_id (153)
    on left: 19 20, on right: 21 22
bare_number (268)
    on left: 364 365 366 367 368, on right: 201 363
bass_number (247)
    on left: 306 307 308 309, on right: 314
book_block (158)
    on left: 43, on right: 7 25
bookpart_block (160)
    on left: 54, on right: 8 26 47
br_bass_figure (251)
    on left: 322 323, on right: 325
chord_body (215)
    on left: 211, on right: 210
chord_body_element (217)
    on left: 214 215 216, on right: 213 218
chord_body_elements (216)
    on left: 212 213, on right: 211 213
chord_item (261)
    on left: 346 347 348, on right: 341
chord_items (259)
    on left: 340 341, on right: 339 341
chord_separator (260)
    on left: 342 343 344 345, on right: 339 346
command_event (222)
    on left: 231 232 233 234 235, on right: 222
composite_music (181)
    on left: 112 113, on right: 10 49 59 91 152
context_change (201)
    on left: 165, on right: 102
context_def_spec_block (156)
    on left: 37, on right: 28 79
context_mod (206)
    on left: 182 183 184, on right: 41 110
context_mod_list (180)
    on left: 109 110 111, on right: 104 110 111
context_modification (177)
    on left: 104 105 106, on right: 36 42 108
context_prop_spec (207)
    on left: 185 186, on right: 187 188 189 190
direction_less_event (227)
    on left: 256 257 258, on right: 238 243
direction_reqd_event (228)
    on left: 259 260, on right: 242
dots (245)
    on left: 302 303, on right: 295 296 303
duration_length (240)
    on left: 292, on right: 223 228
event_chord (213)
    on left: 205 206 207 208 209, on right: 99
exclamations (271)
    on left: 373 374, on right: 214 329 374
figure_list (252)
    on left: 324 325, on right: 325 326
figure_spec (253)
    on left: 326, on right: 335
figured_bass_alteration (248)
    on left: 310 311 312, on right: 316
figured_bass_modification (250)
    on left: 318 319 320 321, on right: 317
fraction (244)
    on left: 300 301, on right: 135 229
full_markup_list (275)
    on left: 381, on right: 12 51 61
function_arglist_music_last (184)
    on left: 118, on right: 127
function_arglist_nonmusic_last (185)
    on left: 119 120 121, on right: 128
function_scm_argument (183)
    on left: 116 117, on right: 121 125
gen_text_def (236)
    on left: 278 279 280, on right: 259
generic_prefix_music_scm (188)
    on left: 129, on right: 132
lilypond (148)
    on left: 1 2 3 4 5, on right: 0 2 3 4 5
lilypond_header (152)
    on left: 18, on right: 6 52 62 67
lilypond_header_body (151)
    on left: 16 17, on right: 17 18
lyric_element (257)
    on left: 336 337, on right: 332
lyric_markup (273)
    on left: 377 379, on right: 336
markup (291)
    on left: 412 413, on right: 394 401
markup_braced_list (282)
    on left: 392, on right: 389 391
markup_braced_list_body (283)
    on left: 393 394 395, on right: 392 394 395
markup_command_list (284)
    on left: 396, on right: 390
markup_composed_list (281)
    on left: 391, on right: 388
markup_head_1_item (287)
    on left: 402, on right: 403 404
markup_head_1_list (288)
    on left: 403 404, on right: 386 391 404 412
markup_list (280)
    on left: 388 389 390, on right: 381 385 395 397
markup_top (279)
    on left: 385 386 387, on right: 379 384
mode_changing_head (191)
    on left: 142 143 144 145 146, on right: 138
multiplied_duration (243)
    on left: 297 298 299, on right: 292 294 298 299
music_function_chord_body (219)
    on left: 218 219, on right: 216
music_function_event (220)
    on left: 220 221, on right: 239
music_list (170)
    on left: 86 87 88 89, on right: 87 88 89 93 95 96 97 98
music_property_def (209)
    on left: 191 192, on right: 101
new_chord (258)
    on left: 338 339, on right: 334
new_lyrics (194)
    on left: 154 156 158 160, on right: 158 160 161 162
note_chord_element (214)
    on left: 210, on right: 209
number_expression (265)
    on left: 356 357 358, on right: 31 356 357
number_factor (267)
    on left: 362 363, on right: 359 360 361 362
number_term (266)
    on left: 359 360 361, on right: 356 357 358
octave_check (229)
    on left: 261 262 263 264, on right: 214 329
optional_context_mod (179)
    on left: 107 108, on right: 133 134 139
optional_id (189)
    on left: 130 131, on right: 133 134
optional_rest (254)
    on left: 327 328, on right: 329
output_def (165)
    on left: 71, on right: 13 27 68 70
output_def_body (168)
    on left: 76 77 78 79 80, on right: 71 78 79 80
output_def_head (166)
    on left: 72 73 74, on right: 75
output_def_head_with_mode_switch (167)
    on left: 75, on right: 76 77
paper_block (164)
    on left: 70, on right: 46 57
pitch (234)
    on left: 275, on right: 214 276 329
pitch_also_in_chords (235)
    on left: 276 277, on right: 137
post_events (223)
    on left: 236 237, on right: 205 206 207 210 214 215 237
property_operation (204)
    on left: 169 170 171 172, on right: 182
property_path (203)
    on left: 168, on right: 22 171 187
property_path_revved (202)
    on left: 166 167, on right: 167 168
questions (272)
    on left: 375 376, on right: 214 329 376
re_rhythmed_music (199)
    on left: 161 162 164, on right: 141
relative_music (193)
    on left: 151 152, on right: 140
repeated_music (173)
    on left: 94, on right: 136
score_block (162)
    on left: 64, on right: 9 24 48 58
score_body (163)
    on left: 65 66 67 68 69, on right: 64 67 68 69 410
script_dir (238)
    on left: 288 289 290, on right: 239 242 243
sequential_music (174)
    on left: 95 96, on right: 115
simple_chord_elements (256)
    on left: 333 334 335, on right: 205
simple_element (255)
    on left: 329 330 331 332, on right: 333
simple_music (176)
    on left: 99 100 101 102, on right: 90
simultaneous_music (175)
    on left: 97 98, on right: 114
steno_duration (242)
    on left: 295 296, on right: 81 82 83 297
steno_pitch (232)
    on left: 269 270 271, on right: 275 291
step_number (263)
    on left: 351 352 353, on right: 349 350
step_numbers (262)
    on left: 349 350, on right: 347 350
string (210)
    on left: 193 194 195, on right: 32 82 84 195 199 279
string_number_event (225)
    on left: 245, on right: 244
sub_quotes (231)
    on left: 267 268, on right: 263 268 271 274
sup_quotes (230)
    on left: 265 266, on right: 264 266 270 273
tempo_event (169)
    on left: 81 82 83 84 85, on right: 233
tempo_range (264)
    on left: 354 355, on right: 81 82 83
toplevel_expression (149)
    on left: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13, on right: 2
tremolo_type (246)
    on left: 304 305, on right: 258
unsigned_number (270)
    on left: 371 372, on right: 94

Andere talen: deutsch, español, français, 日本語.

LilyPond — Notation Reference

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