4.5.1 MIDI アーティキュレーション

LilyPond は “校閲” のために MIDI 出力を作り出すことができます。しかしながら MIDI に出力されるのは、強弱記号、明示的なテンポ記号、音符と演奏時間だけです。

The articulate project is one attempt to get more of the information in the score into he MIDI. It works by shortening notes not under slurs, to ‘articulate’ the notes. The amount of shortening depends on any articulation markings attached to a note: staccato halves the note value, tenuto gives a note its full duration, and so on. The script also realises trills and turns, and could be extended to expand other ornaments such as mordents.



Its main limitation is that it can only affect things it knows about: anything that is merely textual markup (instead of a note property) is still ignored.

他の言語: English, deutsch, español, français, magyar

LilyPond — Usage

inserted by FC2 system