

LilyPond engravings have been used for performances around the world. Some highlights:

Published sheet music

  • Mutopia Project, over 1500 pieces of classical sheet music for free download, and the main showcase of LilyPond scores.
  • Etude, “sheet music on steroids” is an iPhone app which displays piano music engraved with LilyPond, including many pieces from Mutopia. The app includes a virtual piano keyboard showing which keys to press to help beginners learn how to read sheet music.
  • Adoro Music Publishing, high-quality scores of sacred music, available for immediate download or in traditional paper format.
  • The Shady Lane Publishing, a “micro musical publishing house” whose goal is to promote a new form of musical economy closer to the musicians and music lovers.

If you are aware of any other concerts or sheet music which could be listed here, please let us know by following the instructions on Bug reports.

Where now?

Still not convinced? Read some of our users’ Reviews. If you’ve already decided to try LilyPond, first read about our Text input.

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