A.18 Available music functions

acciaccatura [music] - music (music)

Create an acciaccatura from the following music expression

accidentalStyle [music] - context [symbol] style (string)

Set accidental style to style, a string. If an optional context symbol is given, e.g. #'Staff or #'Voice, the settings are applied to that context. Otherwise, the context defaults to ‘Staff’, except for piano styles, which use ‘GrandStaff’ as a context.

addChordShape [music] - key-symbol (symbol) tuning (pair) shape-definition (string or pair)

Add chord shape shape-definition to the chord-shape-table hash with the key (cons key-symbol tuning).

addInstrumentDefinition [void] - name (string) lst (list)

Create instrument name with properties list.

addQuote [void] - name (string) music (music)

Define music as a quotable music expression named name

afterGrace [music] - main (music) grace (music)

Create grace note(s) after a main music expression.

allowPageTurn [music]

Allow a page turn. May be used at toplevel (ie between scores or markups), or inside a score.

appendToTag [music] - tag (symbol) more (music) music (music)

Append more to the elements of all music expressions in music that are tagged with tag.

applyContext [music] - proc (procedure)

Modify context properties with Scheme procedure proc.

applyMusic [music] - func (procedure) music (music)

Apply procedure func to music.

applyOutput [music] - ctx (symbol) proc (procedure)

Apply function proc to every layout object in context ctx

appoggiatura [music] - music (music)

Create an appoggiatura from music

assertBeamQuant [music] - l (pair) r (pair)

Testing function: check whether the beam quants l and r are correct

assertBeamSlope [music] - comp (procedure)

Testing function: check whether the slope of the beam is the same as comp

autochange [music] - music (music)

Make voices that switch between staves automatically

balloonGrobText [music] - grob-name (symbol) offset (pair of numbers) text (markup)

Attach text to grob-name at offset offset (use like \once)

balloonText [music] - offset (pair of numbers) text (markup)

Attach text at offset (use like \tweak)

bar [music] - type (string)

Insert a bar line of type type

barNumberCheck [music] - n (integer)

Print a warning if the current bar number is not n.

bendAfter [post event] - delta (real number)

Create a fall or doit of pitch interval delta.

bookOutputName [void] - newfilename (string)

Direct output for the current book block to newfilename.

bookOutputSuffix [void] - newsuffix (string)

Set the output filename suffix for the current book block to newsuffix.

breathe [music]

Insert a breath mark.

chordRepeats [music] - event-types [list] music (music)

Walk through music putting the notes of the previous chord into repeat chords, as well as an optional list of event-types such as #'(string-number-event).

clef [music] - type (string)

Set the current clef to type.

compoundMeter [music] - args (pair)

Create compound time signatures. The argument is a Scheme list of lists. Each list describes one fraction, with the last entry being the denominator, while the first entries describe the summands in the enumerator. If the time signature consists of just one fraction, the list can be given directly, i.e. not as a list containing a single list. For example, a time signature of (3+1)/8 + 2/4 would be created as \compoundMeter #'((3 1 8) (2 4)), and a time signature of (3+2)/8 as \compoundMeter #'((3 2 8)) or shorter \compoundMeter #'(3 2 8).

cueClef [music] - type (string)

Set the current cue clef to type.

cueClefUnset [music]

Unset the current cue clef.

cueDuring [music] - what (string) dir (direction) main-music (music)

Insert contents of quote what corresponding to main-music, in a CueVoice oriented by dir.

cueDuringWithClef [music] - what (string) dir (direction) clef (string) main-music (music)

Insert contents of quote what corresponding to main-music, in a CueVoice oriented by dir.

deadNote [music] - note (music)

Print note with a cross-shaped note head.

defaultNoteHeads [music]

Revert to the default note head style.

displayLilyMusic [music] - music (music)

Display the LilyPond input representation of music to the console.

displayMusic [music] - music (music)

Display the internal representation of music to the console.

endSpanners [music] - music (music)

Terminate the next spanner prematurely after exactly one note without the need of a specific end spanner.

eventChords [music] - music (music)

Compatibility function wrapping EventChord around isolated rhythmic events occuring since version 2.15.28, after expanding repeat chords ‘q’.

featherDurations [music] - factor (moment) argument (music)

Adjust durations of music in argument by rational factor.

footnote [music] - text [markup] offset (pair of numbers) grob-name [symbol] footnote (markup)

Attach text at offset with text referring to footnote. If text is given as \default, use autonumbering instead. Note that, for this to take effect, auto-numbering must be turned on in the paper block. Otherwise, no number will appear. Footnotes are applied like articulations. If a symbol grob-name is specified, all grobs of that kind at the current time step are affected.

grace [music] - music (music)

Insert music as grace notes.

grobdescriptions (any type) - descriptions (list)

Create a context modification from descriptions, a list in the format of all-grob-descriptions.

harmonicByFret [music] - fret (number) music (music)

Convert music into mixed harmonics; the resulting notes resemble harmonics played on a fretted instrument by touching the strings at fret.

harmonicByRatio [music] - ratio (number) music (music)

Convert music into mixed harmonics; the resulting notes resemble harmonics played on a fretted instrument by touching the strings at the point given through ratio.

harmonicNote [music] - note (music)

Print note with a diamond-shaped note head.

harmonicsOn [music]

Set the default note head style to a diamond-shaped style.

instrumentSwitch [music] - name (string)

Switch instrument to name, which must be predefined with \addInstrumentDefinition.

inversion [music] - around (pitch) to (pitch) music (music)

Invert music about around and transpose from around to to.

keepWithTag [music] - tag (symbol) music (music)

Include only elements of music that are tagged with tag.

key [music] - tonic [pitch] pitch-alist [list]

Set key to tonic and scale pitch-alist. If both are null, just generate KeyChangeEvent.

killCues [music] - music (music)

Remove cue notes from music.

label [music] - label (symbol)

Create label as a bookmarking label.

language [void] - language (string)

Set note names for language language.

languageRestore [void]

Restore a previously-saved pitchnames alist.

languageSaveAndChange [void] - language (string)

Store the previous pitchnames alist, and set a new one.

makeClusters [music] - arg (music)

Display chords in arg as clusters.

makeDefaultStringTuning [void] - symbol (symbol) pitches (list)

This defines a string tuning symbol via a list of pitches. The symbol also gets registered in defaultStringTunings for documentation purposes.

mark [music] - label [any type]

Make the music for the \mark command.

modalInversion [music] - around (pitch) to (pitch) scale (music) music (music)

Invert music about around using scale and transpose from around to to.

modalTranspose [music] - from (pitch) to (pitch) scale (music) music (music)

Transpose music from pitch from to pitch to using scale.

musicMap [music] - proc (procedure) mus (music)

Apply proc to mus and all of the music it contains.

noPageBreak [music]

Forbid a page break. May be used at toplevel (i.e., between scores or markups), or inside a score.

noPageTurn [music]

Forbid a page turn. May be used at toplevel (i.e., between scores or markups), or inside a score.

octaveCheck [music] - pitch (pitch)

Octave check.

once [music] - music (music)

Set once to #t on all layout instruction events in music.

ottava [music] - octave (integer)

Set the octavation.

overrideProperty [music] - name (string) property (symbol) value (any type)

Set property to value in all grobs named name. The name argument is a string of the form "Context.GrobName" or "GrobName".

overrideTimeSignatureSettings [music] - time-signature (pair) base-moment (pair) beat-structure (list) beam-exceptions (list)

Override timeSignatureSettings for time signatures of time-signature to have settings of base-moment, beat-structure, and beam-exceptions.

pageBreak [music]

Force a page break. May be used at toplevel (i.e., between scores or markups), or inside a score.

pageTurn [music]

Force a page turn between two scores or top-level markups.

palmMute [music] - note (music)

Print note with a triangle-shaped note head.

palmMuteOn [music]

Set the default note head style to a triangle-shaped style.

parallelMusic [void] - voice-ids (list) music (music)

Define parallel music sequences, separated by ’|’ (bar check signs), and assign them to the identifiers provided in voice-ids.

voice-ids: a list of music identifiers (symbols containing only letters)

music: a music sequence, containing BarChecks as limiting expressions.


  \parallelMusic #'(A B C) {
    c c | d d | e e |
    d d | e e | f f |
  A = { c c | d d | }
  B = { d d | e e | }
  C = { e e | f f | }
parenthesize [music] - arg (music)

Tag arg to be parenthesized.

partcombine [music] - part1 (music) part2 (music)

Take the music in part1 and part2 and typeset so that they share a staff.

partcombineDown [music] - part1 (music) part2 (music)

Take the music in part1 and part2 and typeset so that they share a staff with stems directed downward.

partcombineForce [music] - type (symbol-or-boolean) once (boolean)

Override the part-combiner.

partcombineUp [music] - part1 (music) part2 (music)

Take the music in part1 and part2 and typeset so that they share a staff with stems directed upward.

partial [music] - dur (duration)

Make a partial measure.

phrasingSlurDashPattern [music] - dash-fraction (number) dash-period (number)

Set up a custom style of dash pattern for dash-fraction ratio of line to space repeated at dash-period interval for phrasing slurs.

pitchedTrill [music] - main-note (music) secondary-note (music)

Print a trill with main-note as the main note of the trill and print secondary-note as a stemless note head in parentheses.

pointAndClickOff [music]

Suppress generating extra code in final-format (e.g. pdf) files to point back to the lilypond source statement.

pointAndClickOn [music]

Enable generation of code in final-format (e.g. pdf) files to reference the originating lilypond source statement; this is helpful when developing a score but generates bigger final-format files.

pointAndClickTypes [void] - types (list or symbol)

Set a type or list of types (such as #'note-event) for which point-and-click info is generated.

pushToTag [music] - tag (symbol) more (music) music (music)

Add more to the front of elements of all music expressions in music that are tagged with tag.

quoteDuring [music] - what (string) main-music (music)

Indicate a section of music to be quoted. what indicates the name of the quoted voice, as specified in an \addQuote command. main-music is used to indicate the length of music to be quoted; usually contains spacers or multi-measure rests.

relative [music] - pitch [pitch] music (music)

Make music relative to pitch (default c').

removeWithTag [music] - tag (symbol) music (music)

Remove elements of music that are tagged with tag.

resetRelativeOctave [music] - pitch (pitch)

Set the octave inside a \relative section.

retrograde [music] - music (music)

Return music in reverse order.

revertTimeSignatureSettings [music] - time-signature (pair)

Revert timeSignatureSettings for time signatures of time-signature.

rightHandFinger [post event] - finger (number or string)

Apply finger as a fingering indication.

scaleDurations [music] - fraction (fraction, as pair) music (music)

Multiply the duration of events in music by fraction.

settingsFrom (any type) - ctx [symbol] music (music)

Take the layout instruction events from music, optionally restricted to those applying to context type ctx, and return a context modification duplicating their effect.

shiftDurations [music] - dur (integer) dots (integer) arg (music)

Change the duration of arg by adding dur to the durlog of arg and dots to the dots of arg.

skip [music] - dur (duration)

Skip forward by dur.

slashedGrace [music] - music (music)

Create slashed graces (slashes through stems, but no slur) from the following music expression

slurDashPattern [music] - dash-fraction (number) dash-period (number)

Set up a custom style of dash pattern for dash-fraction ratio of line to space repeated at dash-period interval for slurs.

spacingTweaks [music] - parameters (list)

Set the system stretch, by reading the ’system-stretch property of the ‘parameters’ assoc list.

storePredefinedDiagram [music] - fretboard-table (hash table) chord (music) tuning (pair) diagram-definition (string or pair)

Add predefined fret diagram defined by diagram-definition for the chord pitches chord and the stringTuning tuning.

stringTuning (any type) - chord (music)

Convert chord to a string tuning. chord must be in absolute pitches and should have the highest string number (generally the lowest pitch) first.

styledNoteHeads [music] - style (symbol) heads (list or symbol) music (music)

Set heads in music to style.

tabChordRepeats [music] - event-types [list] music (music)

Walk through music putting the notes, fingerings and string numbers of the previous chord into repeat chords, as well as an optional list of event-types such as #'(articulation-event).

tabChordRepetition [void]

Include the string and fingering information in a chord repetition. This function is deprecated; try using abChordRepeats instead.

tag [music] - tag (symbol) arg (music)

Add tag to the tags property of arg.

tieDashPattern [music] - dash-fraction (number) dash-period (number)

Set up a custom style of dash pattern for dash-fraction ratio of line to space repeated at dash-period interval for ties.

time [music] - beat-structure [number list] fraction (fraction, as pair)

Set fraction as time signature, with optional number list beat-structure before it.

times [music] - fraction (fraction, as pair) music (music)

Scale music in time by fraction.

tocItem [music] - text (markup)

Add a line to the table of content, using the tocItemMarkup paper variable markup

transpose [music] - from (pitch) to (pitch) music (music)

Transpose music from pitch from to pitch to.

transposedCueDuring [music] - what (string) dir (direction) pitch (pitch) main-music (music)

Insert notes from the part what into a voice called cue, using the transposition defined by pitch. This happens simultaneously with main-music, which is usually a rest. The argument dir determines whether the cue notes should be notated as a first or second voice.

transposition [music] - pitch (pitch)

Set instrument transposition

tweak [music] - sym (symbol) val (any type) arg (music)

Add sym . val to the tweaks property of arg.

unfoldRepeats [music] - music (music)

Force any \repeat volta, \repeat tremolo or \repeat percent commands in music to be interpreted as \repeat unfold.

void [void] - arg (any type)

Accept a scheme argument, return a void expression. Use this if you want to have a scheme expression evaluated because of its side-effects, but its value ignored.

withMusicProperty [music] - sym (symbol) val (any type) music (music)

Set sym to val in music.

xNote [music] - note (music)

Print note with a cross-shaped note head.

xNotesOn [music]

Set the default note head style to a cross-shaped style.

Jiné jazyky: deutsch, español, français, italiano, 日本語.
About automatic language selection.

LilyPond — Notation Reference

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