A.2 Common chord modifiers

The following table shows chord modifiers that can be used in \chordmode to generate standard chord structures.

Chord typeIntervalsModifier(s)Example
MajorMajor third, perfect fifth5 or nothing

[image of music]

MinorMinor third, perfect fifthm or m5

[image of music]

AugmentedMajor third, augmented fifthaug

[image of music]

DiminishedMinor third, diminished fifthdim

[image of music]

Dominant seventhMajor triad, minor seventh7

[image of music]

Major seventhMajor triad, major seventhmaj7 or maj

[image of music]

Minor seventhMinor triad, minor seventhm7

[image of music]

Diminished seventhDiminished triad, diminished seventhdim7

[image of music]

Augmented seventhAugmented triad, minor seventhaug7

[image of music]

Half-diminished seventhDiminished triad, minor seventhm7.5-

[image of music]

Minor-major seventhMinor triad, major seventhm7+

[image of music]

Major sixthMajor triad, sixth6

[image of music]

Minor sixthMinor triad, sixthm6

[image of music]

Dominant ninthDominant seventh, major ninth9

[image of music]

Major ninthMajor seventh, major ninthmaj9

[image of music]

Minor ninthMinor seventh, major ninthm9

[image of music]

Dominant eleventhDominant ninth, perfect eleventh11

[image of music]

Major eleventhMajor ninth, perfect eleventhmaj11

[image of music]

Minor eleventhMinor ninth, perfect eleventhm11

[image of music]

Dominant thirteenthDominant ninth, major thirteenth13

[image of music]

Dominant thirteenthDominant eleventh, major thirteenth13.11

[image of music]

Major thirteenthMajor eleventh, major thirteenthmaj13.11

[image of music]

Minor thirteenthMinor eleventh, major thirteenthm13.11

[image of music]

Suspended secondMajor second, perfect fifthsus2

[image of music]

Suspended fourthPerfect fourth, perfect fifthsus4

[image of music]

Power chord (two-voiced)Perfect fifth1.5

[image of music]

Power chord (three-voiced)Perfect fifth, octave1.5.8

[image of music]

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